Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Calming the Storm or Calming His Child

One of my most favorite songs is by Scott Krippayne called “Sometimes He Calms the Storm.”  The song opens talking about how sailors know that sometimes you’re sailing along with calm waters and a beautiful sky when suddenly the sky turns dark and you find yourself in the midst of a storm.  The artist compares this to our lives and having lived through those seasons, I agree with Scott, that sometimes it seems like you are living your life when all of a sudden, this storm arises.  What I love about the song is what Krippayne writes in the chorus:
Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered peace be still
He can settle any sea
But it doesn't mean He will
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild
Sometimes He calms the storm
And other times He calms His child

Isn’t this so true?  There are times in our lives when these storms appear that we pray and we stand in faith and our Heavenly Father moves instantly, and as quick as the storm appeared, it’s gone!  Then there are the times when these storms appear and we pray hard and we stand in faith but still the storm rages in our lives.  In these times, we should know that Papa is holding us close, that despite the turmoil and chaos that is going on around us, He is with us and that eventually, “This too shall pass.”  Why is it that sometimes He calms the storm and other times He makes us ride it out?  I am not absolutely sure about that, I do have my opinion about it.  Do you want to hear it?  Ok, here it is…I believe that because He is a father, God knows that there are times in our lives when we are weak and fragile and though we love Him and we believe Him, that in these times, we simply cannot bear the storm, so He has to step in and be Dad and save the day.  Then there are times when, again, being Dad; He knows that it is for our good that we must go through.  He knows that we have the strength to endure that storm, the faith to trust Him in the midst of that storm, and that enduring the storm will only increase our trust in Him.  You see, I believe that in the “riding out the storm” times, we build markers, our Stones at Bethel; those places that we can look to in the next test, the next trial and say, “If He did it for me that time, He will do it for me again!” 
Are you in the midst of a storm dearly loved ones?  If your answer is yes, here is a pieces of advice from your sister who has been there, hang on to Papa, know that He’s got you and that this too shall pass! 

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